Over It… But Not Really.

I am trying to change my outlook on life because if you haven’t been reading, it’s kind of a train wreck. (Read “And So It Ends” to get caught up) I have decided to take a dating break. Surprise, Surprise right? I am going to focus on me. This doesn’t mean that things are going to get boring around here though. After my breakup, I gave booty call a call again. Yes I know, I’m weak.  It was great sex as usual but I don’t think it’s going to be a thing. I am literally over all guys past and present. I have decided to spend the holidays watching and adding every corny Christmas movie ever made to my Netflix queue.

( Watch “How Sarah Got Her Wings” when you get a chance)

I have tried to re-download Tinder but it literally gives me anxiety. So I have deleted it. I don’t have Bumble anymore either. I am literally not on any dating sites and am finally just waiting to meet someone in real life. I know… weird right?

I have of course have been creeping Picky Eater because I am not completely over it. I have noticed that a new girl started following him on Instagram and he followed her back. So naturally I assume he is seeing someone else. I also check his time stamps on WhatsApp like every 5 hours. I have been getting better as the WhatsApp checking has slowed down to once a week.

Today I deleted all his pics from my phone and his phone number is just a number no name. These are my lame steps to getting over a break up. Don’t follow them though, do what normal girls do and just go cold turkey. I find that it’s super hard for me to let go of things so I need to work on that.

I am also trying really hard not to go all Doctor Foster on Picky Eater. (If you haven’t seen Doctor Foster on Netflix you are tripping. It’s basically the new gone girl). See how much Netflix I watch? A quite unhealthy amount.

Golden Rule: Slowly but surely delete the Dumpee from your life and all will be well.

Tips for Guys: Watch Doctor Foster and see what happens when women get angry. JK… but not really.

And So It Ends

Girl tries Tinder for the first time. Guy talks to girl on Tinder first. Unsuspecting girl thinks, “ah, this is a nice guy”. Girl tells guy that she does not do hookups. Guy agrees and exclaims that he doesn’t either. Girl dates guy, girl thinks its going great. Girl overlooks all of guys flaws (and believe me there were a lot). Girl sleeps with guy because after a month of dating she somewhat thought it was a safe bet. Guy convinced girl that he cared based on his behavior. Guy started acting weird and texting got sporadic. Girl started feeling pushed away. Guy then gave girl an ultimatum because his life was just getting too busy to keep her in it (I’ve heard this one before). Girl realized that if a guy gives an ultimatum its usually a way to get out of a relationship. Girl doesn’t want to be with a guy who doesn’t want to be with her. Girl agrees to part ways.

Girl is single again. Woohooo, just in time for the holidays. Christmas dinner is going to be really fun.

The End.

Golden Rule: Don’t start dating a guy within 6-12 months of Christmas, so like never.

Tips for Guys: Just Don’t.

Chill Pill

Hi Ladies, Its been a rocky week for Picky Eater and I…. though Picky Eater has no idea anything is going on lol. Am I the only one who does this? I basically have entire arguments in my head about the crap that he does. To him though I play it cool because I don’t want to seem crazy. This week he took the disappearing act thing up a notch to a one word answer thing. Arggghhh. Drove me crazy all week. I literally started having all these self made crazy girl theories.


  1. He is not interested anymore and is slowly winding me down to a subtle ghosting.
  2. He is talking to another girl, thus I am no longer a priority or interesting.
  3. He is an alien.
  4. He is secretly married with children. (that’s only half a theory as one half of that is true)
  5. He’s just super busy, and doesn’t have time to chit chat.

I think its definitely number 3 but what do I know.

I am so into him, attached and invested that the thought of him pulling away for any reason is literally giving me the shakes. I mean a cried multiple times this week. Lets also keep in mind that I am PMSing, so you know…. extra emotional.

Then I woke up this morning and I decided I don’t care anymore. I am going to give myself a bloody heart attack. Which is not the way I thought I would ever get a heart attack. I always thought it would be from those little egg mcmuffins from McDonald’s that I have had for breakfast every morning this week, or from extra butter on my movie theater popcorn.

So I have officially stopped caring, stopped stressing and is taking a huge Chill Pill. I have to learn that I can’t control everything…especially dudes and what’s going on in their heads. So welcome to the era of Zen. I am just going to hang out with my friends and be happy for the impending holiday season.

I did make a deal with him though that if at anytime either of us is just not feeling this anymore, we would be straight up with each other. He agreed… so lets see if he sticks to it. I know I will.

Being Single is hard but it helps if you are Zen.

Golden Rule: You can’t overdose on chill pills so take as many as you want.

Tips for Guys: One wording a girl drives her up the wall.


Defense Mechanism

Hi guys so I just came back from a trip. I went to Maine. It was beautiful and peaceful; it was exactly the break I needed from my fast paced life of being bored at work and rushing home to watch Netflix. The struggle is real right?

Picky Eater has been amazing, texting me every day and trying his very hardest for me to become attached. Like who texts good morning every morning without fail? Weirdos that’s who. OMG I’m kidding, I love it.

What’s happening right now is that I am stopping myself from falling in love. My constant angst and rants to my good friend who works with me (who sadly has to listen to my word diarrhea daily; sorry girl.) is about how when he doesn’t talk to me for 2-3 hours, I feel like he might ghost me. I’m like constantly reassuring myself that if he walks away from this relationship right now, I need to be prepared and not totally be shattered. It’s been like a month and I am already so invested in this relationship. I am not pressuring him for a title or anything; I’m just going with the flow and trying to be totally nonchalant.

He has no idea how crazy I am because us girls know that we have to keep the crazy in until he puts a ring on it… right? That’s what I have heard anyway as I am nowhere close to marriage (crying emoji).

So to stop myself from falling I am literally as we speak constructing the Great Wall of China around my heart. I am not going to let him all the way in until I feel comfortable. This is my defense mechanism. I need to not feel so on edge and honestly I wouldn’t be if I wasn’t so messed up from other heart breaks. It’s not fair to him, but I have to do this for my own sake. He thinks I’m falling in love with him, which is absolutely accurate but I gotta put some brakes on that.

So the big question here on everyone’s minds is did we have sex? The answer to that is none of your business really but yes we did; which totally doesn’t help my serious attachment issues. Yes it was pleasurable.

Pleasurable Sex + Super Romantic Guy = God Help Me.

Being Single is hard when you are dating someone, sheesh.

Golden Rule: Don’t let him into your heart until you are ready, keep those defenses up.

Tips For Guys: Good morning texts are the way to a girl’s heart.
