Serial Kill Me why don’t you?

So in online dating, you usually assume a guy is innocent until proven creepy. But have you ever gotten some weird shit right off the top. A “hi” or a “hey” is expected. Maybe even a “you’re beautiful!” But lately I have been a weird target for some strange messages. See photos below for some of the weirdest crap I have ever been messaged. Here is my point though, what are us girls supposed to do with these messages. Like obviously we are going to just delete them (or screenshot it and write a blog about it). Sometimes I wonder if there are girls out there that think these messages are A-Okay. What if there are girls out there who would say “yes, I would totally love to go travelling to a woodsy place with a stranger on my first date.” Are there girls out there who enjoy being spoken to about fecal matter? I would also like to know; what it is about my profile that tells guys it’s okay to message me these things? (That’s a whole other blog post lol)  Do I have to put “no serial killers or sadists please!” on my profile, that at least should be a given.  Girls in relationships have no idea the verbal abuse we go through just to find a decent guy.  Ladies let me hear you! What are our thoughts on these weirdo guys and has this ever happened to you? (Because I can’t be alone in this)

Golden Rule:  Always be smart about where you go on your first date and don’t suppress you’re “stranger danger” feelings, even when the guy is hot!

Tips for Guys: Stop being weird!

